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The Little Blog
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Press Coverage
06/16/21 - Shared workspace opens up in downtown GR after pushing through pandemic by Michael Martin, Fox17 West Michigan
01/06/21 - Uncertainty in coworking space market causes creativity, flexibility by Kate Carlson, MiBiz
12/20/20 - West Michigan small businesses look forward after a tumultuous year by Andy Balaskovitz, MiBiz
09/13/20 - SIX MONTHS IN: Small businesses reflect on the ups, downs, optimism and bleakness of the COVID-19 pandemic by Andy Balaskovitz, MiBiz
08/06/20 - Entrepreneur reopens downtown coworking space by Rachel Watson, GR Business Journal
07/07/20 - Little Space Studio pivots to digital focus during pandemic by Kate Carlson, MiBiz
03/16/20 - Striving for inclusion - Heartside is lagging behind as downtown booms. by Justin Dawes, GR Magazine
12/12/19 - Group fundraising to renovate part of historic Harris building downtown - Little Space Studio looking to raise $50,000 by Michael Martin, Fox 17 West Michigan
06/23/19 - Zoning to blame for vacant storefronts? by Sydney Smith, MiBiz
03/14/19 - Little Space Studio changing their approach to creative co-working by Deshia Dunn, Rapid Growth Media
11/09/17 - UIX: Local creative professionals can build a business at Little Space Studio by Matthew Russel, Rapid Growth Media